What Benefits Can You Expect?
Immediate Visibility
You will gain insight on day one on whether the expected finish date of the project is doable.
Promote Buy-In and Commitment
You will have a project plan that is based on team member buy-in and commitment, two essential elements of successful projects.
Trust The Plan
You will have accurate and complete schedules for making informed business decisions.
Assurances on Progress
You will know if the team is making progress each week, positive gains that ensure the expected finish date remains doable.
Early Warning System
You will have an early warning system that alerts you when the team’s progress is slowing to a point that requires corrective actions to avoid delays in the future.
Executive Status
You will have access to an Executive Dashboard so you can quickly evaluate the status of the key milestone dates and review the corrective actions the team is undertaking to remedy any delays.
Aligned Execution
You will have a weekly control process that provides the structure to keep the schedule current and the discipline to keep team members engaged and accountable.